Private Categories

Marking a category as private will limit its visibility within the public knowledge base. This action ensures that the category and its associated articles and subcategories remain concealed from the public eye.

As a result, these elements will not be accessible or searchable by non-logged-in users or visitors. However, for users who are logged in, the private categories, along with their associated articles and subcategories, will be fully accessible and visible within the knowledge base.

This feature is especially beneficial for managing internal documentation, confidential information, or content targeted at a specific audience, ensuring that only authorized users can access and interact with it.

Mark a category as private.

  1. Go to Admin Panel

  2. Click on Categories

  3. Choose the category that you want to make private.

  4. Click on the triple dot and Mark it as private.

  5. Your category and all its nested categories and articles will be marked as private and will not be visible to the public.