Adding tags to articles

Tags are keywords that can be used to organize articles and better manage them. You can create custom tags and add them to articles, helping you manage them easily.

Here's a guide on how you can create tags for the knowledge base articles:

  1. Go to Settings > Manage Tags.

  2. Click Add new tag.

  3. Enter the Name and Description of the tag in the right-hand side modal.

Settings -> Manage Tags
  1. Click Save Changes to successfully create a tag.

Steps to Add tags to the articles:

  1. Click on Articles tab from the left side panel on the NeetoKB homepage.

  2. Open the article if you want to add a tag.

  3. Click on the triple dots in the top-right corner and choose Change settings.

  4. Scroll down, click Add Tag+, and choose the tag from the drop-down menu to add to the article.

    Adding tag to the article
  5. Click Save Changes to add a tag to the article successfully.

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