Allow articles to be indexed in google search

You can enable search engine indexing to allow articles to be indexed by search engines so that they start appearing in the search results. Search engine indexing is enabled by default.

To enable indexing:

Step 1: Make sure that the Knowledge Base is publicly accessible.

If the Knowledge Base is private, it cannot be indexed by search engines. Knowledge Bases are public by default, if you have made it private, make it public using the following steps:

  1. Go to Settings -> Security.

  2. Select Public, anyone can access KB.

  3. Click on Save Changes.

Step 2: Allow search engine crawling

When the search engine crawling is disabled, search engines cannot index the articles from the Knowledge Base.

To allow search engine crawling:

  1. Go to Settings -> Search Engine Optimization.

  2. Enable the toggle for Allow Search Engines to crawl KB articles.

  3. Click on Save Changes.

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